Do the dance, the confusion dance!

Do the dance, the confusion dance!

An encounter with a Plum Judy

“Land on a branch, turn around and take off, land on the branch, turn around and take off! That’s the secret to survival my friend. The dance is unpredictable and confuses the predators! Also, never leave the treetops or the cover of foliage. I don’t know why I am telling you this, but you seem to have a friendly face. Also, I never pose for photographs. Call me a diva, but I find that by not opening your wings completely and giving photographers easy shots, makes me quite a desirable subject!”

Fun Facts

“Another desirable fact about me… my species likes to change colours! Oh, you didn’t know that? We change according to the seasons. Males are maroon-brown with a brilliant sheen of metallic purple in the wet season and drop the purple during the dry season. The ladies are hazel brown during the wet and make themselves paler during the dry. Our eye colours vary too, from golden yellow to bluish green. I’ve spent too much time in one spot talking to you, time to dance again, bye!”

Story of the Photo

Dilum had quite a tough time getting a good shot of this never-sit-still butterfly. But he finally triumphed just outside of the Mahoora Tented Safari Camp in Wilpattu.

Mahoora tented safari camps Sri Lanka.

© 2025, Eco Team - Sri Lanka

Resort Locations

Mahoora Tented Safari Camps,
Fairfield Garden,
Colombo 08,
Sri Lanka

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