“Who does she think she is?”

“Who does she think she is?”

A female Sri Lankan Leopard is on a rant

“I slapped the spots off of her the last time and she still hasn’t learnt her lesson. Cleopatra! Hah. She thinks she’s a queen, well I’ll show her who’s the queen - me, the Lady of Manikrala Uraniya! I’m the fastest leopard this side of the Uraniya Plains and the deadliest deer hunter too. I’m also the hottest, with the shiniest coat and the most rosettes! My mate, the big boy of Nelumwila always tells me that, so that’s what’s up. Just because Cleo is a little younger than me, she thinks she can put the moves on my mate. Well that little hussy better learn to stick to her Kumbuk Wila territory or else…!”

Fun Facts

“She’s even started being more nocturnal, just so she can “run in” to my mate because he likes hunting at night. Homewrecker! All the other females do their hunting during the day because they were brought up well. But not Cleo. Why would she do that? She even goes around telling other animals that the cubs she had are with my mate. You know what? The cubs do look a bit like him. Maybe after I smack her around again, I’ll have a chat with handsome Mr. Nelumwila. In fact, I think I will go find him now and see what he’s up to!”

Story of the Photo

Heading out from the Mahoora Tented Safari Camp in Wilpattu on an afternoon safari, Dilum got some great sightings, one of which was the Manikrala Uraniya Female (MRUF 1). She recently had a spat with Cleopatra and seemed to be plotting another attack whilst lying in the shade.

Mahoora tented safari camps Sri Lanka.

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Resort Locations

Mahoora Tented Safari Camps,
Fairfield Garden,
Colombo 08,
Sri Lanka

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E. fit5@ecoteam.lk
P. +94 (0)702228222

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