Sri Lanka Wildlife Updates

Psst! It’s me again!

Psst! It’s me again!

The dodgy jungle salesman returns

“I wonder if you remember me? We met a couple of months ago? Times have been tough, and I have a wife & 5 little mouths to feed. Kind sir, would you help me out by buying this juicy frog so I can feed my starving family? What? You don’t believe me? ‘The male Ruddy Mongoose is a solitary animal adept at hunting rodents, snakes, land monitors, birds and snails??? Only the female looks after the offspring???’ Darn it! Of all the people in the jungle, I had to run into one that knows EVERYTHING about me. Oh, you looked me up on your phone... what... else does it say about me?”

Fun Facts

“It says that we giggle to attract mates? You mean YOU don’t? Next time you see an attractive human, try it. Maybe then you wouldn’t be out here all alone in Wilpattu National Park accusing honest entrepreneurs with facts dug up on a phone. ‘Chicken egg stealer?’ Excuse me, I don’t steal! I merely relocate them to warmer, more comfortable locations…. which may or may not coincide with where my stomach is located. The eggs have never complained by the way. Now how about buying some Cobra venom? It’s the best insomnia cure in the world!”

Story of the Photo

Dilum captured this image of a Ruddy Mongoose and his breakfast in Wilpattu National Park during a morning safari. These industrious creatures can often be found around the Mahoora Tented Safari Camp in Wilpattu, foraging and attempting to peddle their shady wares to unsuspecting visitors.

Our Photographer :

Dilum Madushanka (@safari_sailor) is a Marine engineer by profession and his motto is “Six months in the Sea and Six months in the Jungle”. He is a nature enthusiast, with an uncanny ability to capture the best moments in the wild. His passion is to raise awareness about the fascinating great outdoors, through his photography and videography.

Mahoora tented safari camps Sri Lanka.

© 2025, Eco Team - Sri Lanka

Resort Locations

Mahoora Tented Safari Camps,
Fairfield Garden,
Colombo 08,
Sri Lanka

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